1. A
microprocessors consists of ALU,
Control unit, Array of registers.
2. The
address bus of any microprocessor is always Unidirectional.
3. The
word size of 8085 microprocessor is 8-bit.
4. The
stack pointer register in a microprocessor holds
the address of the top of the stack.
5. The
addressing mode used in the instruction PUSH B is Register indirect addressing mode.
6. The
maximum number of seven segment displays that can be connected to 8279 is 16.
7. PSW
stands for Accumulator and flags
register contents.
8. A
microprocessor with a 12-bit address bus will be able to access 4K bytes.
9. In
8085, interrupts except TRAP are disabled by a DI instruction.
is used as a program memory
and RAM as a data memory.
11. 8255
can e programmed into two basic modes they are Bit set/Reset, I/O mode.
12. Micro
processor must wait until the key reach to a steady state is known as key debounce.
13. Multiple
interrupt sources, we use external device called Priority interrupt controller.
14. Peripheral
device directly access to memory. This technique is known as Direct memory access.
15. In
serial communication one bit
is transferred at a time over a single line.
16. Micro controller has on chip peripheral devices.
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