DSP Lab - SAMPLE viva questions
1.What is MATLAB?
2.What are the applications of MATLAB?
3.State sampling theorem.
4.What is meant by Nyquist rate and Nyquist criteria?
5.Explain scaling and superposition properties of a system.
6.What is meant by linearity of a system and how it is related to scaling and superposition?
7.What is impulse function?
8.What is meant by impulse response?
9.What is energy signal? How to calculate energy of a signal?
10.What is power signal? How to calculate power of a signal?
11.Differentiate between even and odd signals.
12.Explain time invariance property of a system with an example.
13.What is memory less system?
14.When a system is said to have memory?
15.What is meant by causality?
16.Explain linear convolution and circular convolution.
17.What is the length of linear and circular convolutions if the two sequences are having thelength n1 and n2?
18.What are Fourier series and Fourier transform?
19.What are the advantages and special applications of Fourier transform, Fourier series, Ztransform and Laplace transform?
20.Differentiate between DTFT and DFT. Why it is advantageous to use DFT in computersrather than DTFT?In DTFT, frequency appears to be continuous. But, in DFT, frequency is discrete.This property is useful for computation in computers.
21.How to perform linear convolution using circular convolution?If two signals x (n) and y (n) are of length n1 and n2, then the linear convolutedoutput z (n) is of length n1+n2-1. Each of the input signals is padded with zeros tomake it of length n1+n2-1. Then circular convolution is done on zero paddedsequences to get the linear convolution of original input sequences x (n) and y (n).
22.What is meant by correlation?Correlation is the measure of similarity between two signal/waveforms. Itcompares the waveforms at different time instants.
23.What is auto-correlation?It is a measure of similarity of similarity of a signal/waveform with itself.
24.What is cross-correlation?
25.What are the advantages of using autocorrelation and cross correlation properties insignal processing fields?
26.How auto-correlation can be used to detect the presence of noise?
27.Differentiate between IIR filters and FIR filters
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