Tuesday, 4 August 2015



1. Explain the TF of armature and field controlled DC motor. (16) 
2. Problem from mechanical translational system(analogy of force- voltage and force- current) (16) 
3. Problem from signal flow graph + block diagram (8 +8 ) 

Unit 2
1. Explain servomotors and its types (16)
2. Derive the time response of underdamped and critically damped second order system for unit step input (16) 
3. Derive the expression for time domain specifications (16) 

unit 3 
1. Derive the frequency domain specifications of second order system (16) 
2. Problem from bode plot determining phase margin,gain margin ,determination of k value,gain and phase cross over frequency( any 2 ) (16) 
3. Problem from polar plot (same as bode plot )(16) 
4. Ecplain frequency domain specifications (8) 

1. Explain the locatiuon of poles on s-plane for stability (16) 
2. Problems from routh Hurwitz criterion (8) 
3. Problems to determine gain and phase cross over frequency, gain and phase margin from given TF (16) 
4. Problems from root locus (16)

 Unit – 5
1. Derive the realisation of electrical network, frequency response, determination of maximam phase lag and max. Lag angle for a) lag compensator (16) b) lead compensator (16) (separate questions) 
2. problems from lag compaensator or lead compensator (each 16 marks )

Control System IMPORTANT QUESTIONS For External Exams

Anna University
(Department of ECE)

Subject Code : EC2255


1.Using masons gain formula determine the ratio C/R for the system represented by the following diagram

2. Determine the overall transfer function of the following diagram

3. Obtain the response of unity feedback system whose open loop transfer function is G(S) =4 / {s (s + 5)} and when the input is unit step

4. Obtain the analogous electrical network for the following block diagram


1. A unity feedback system G(s)=10/s(s+1)(s+2).Find the steady state error when it is subjected to the i/p r(t)=1+2t+1.5t2
2. Derive an expression for the time response of an under damped second order system and when the input is unit step
3. Explain in detail the system response with PD,PI and PID Controller
4. Derive an expression for time to peak and peak overshoot for a second order under damped system


1. Draw the Bode plot of the G(s) = K / S(S+1)(0.1S+1) .Hence obtain the exact plot by doing necessary corrections at corner frequencies.
(i)Find the gain cross over freq, Phase cross over freq, margin and phase margin. 
(ii)Find the value of K for phase margin = 20 deg.

2. The open loop transfer function of a unity feed back system is G(s) = 1 / s(1+s)(1+2s) .Sketch the polar plot and determine the gain margin and phase margin

3. Obtain the unit impulse response and the unit step response of a unity feedback system whose open loop transfer function is G(S) = (2s + 1)/ s2.
4. Determine the generalized error coefficient and steady state error for a system whose open loop transfer function is G(S) = 1/ { s (s+1)(s+10) }and the feedback transfer function is H(S) = (s+2) with input r(t) = 6 + t + t2


1. Check The stability of the system
(i) .
(ii) .Determine the range of K when the system is stable

2. Sketch the root locus for the system and write about the system stability

G(s)H(s)=K(s+4)(s+5)/(S+4)(S+1), K>0

3. A feedback control system has a open loop transfer function G(s)H(S)=K/(S(S+3)(S2 +2S+2))
Find the root locus as K Varies From 0 to α

Unit V(Important Problem to go through )

1. Look Problem to Determine controllability and observability
2. Problem regarding Response to some unit step input, For data control system
3. Determine the transfer matrix for a given data
4. Problem using cascade method.



this all just a tips for average students ,, it may or may not come in university exams

UNIT 1 :

Differential equation & Transfer function, 
Modeling of Electric systems, 
Translational and rotational mechanical systems 
Block diagram reduction Techniques


P, PI, PD and PID controllers
Time response analysis for all
Steady state errors problems & other problems 


Frequency Response 
Bode Plot,
Polar Plot, 
Nyquist Plot 
Constant M and N Circles 
Lead, Lag, and Lead Lag Compensators

UNIT 4: will be soon


look all problems under

State space representation of Continuous Time systems and discrete time 
State equations 
Transfer function from State Variable Representation 
Concepts of Controllability and Observability 

it all very easy to get marks

Control System – 16marks Very Important Questions For External Exams

Control System – 16marks Very Important Questions For External Exams
Control System–16marks Important Questions

Anna University
Recommended For EEE Department
Semester 4


1. Explain the TF of armature and field controlled DC motor. (16)

2. Problem from mechanical translational system(analogy of force- voltage and force- current) (16)

3. Problem from signal flow graph + block diagram (8 +8 )

Unit 2

1. Explain servomotors and its types (16)

2. Derive the time response of underdamped and critically damped second order system for unit step input (16)

3. Derive the expression for time domain specifications (16)

Unit 3

1. Derive the frequency domain specifications of second order system (16)

2. Problem from bode plot determining phase margin,gain margin ,determination of k value,gain and phase cross over frequency( any 2 ) (16)

3. Problem from polar plot (same as bode plot )(16)

4. Explain frequency domain specifications (8) 


1. Explain the locatiuon of poles on s-plane for stability (16)

2. Problems from routh Hurwitz criterion (8)

3. Problems to determine gain and phase cross over frequency, gain and phase margin from given TF (16)

4. Problems from root locus (16)Unit – 5

1. Derive the realisation of electrical network, frequency response, determination of maximum phase lag and max. Lag angle for

a) lag compensator (16)

b) lead compensator (16) (separate questions)

2. problems from lag compensator or lead compensator (each 16 marks )




Sixth Semester
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
(Regulation 2008)
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
Answer ALL questions
PART A — (10 × 2 = 20 marks)1. Draw a simple per-phase model for a cylindrical rotor synchronous machine.
2. What are the advantages of per unit system?
3. What is Jacobian matrix?
4. What is a slack bus?
5. Mention the objectives of short circuit analysis.
6. Write down the balanced and unbalanced faults occurring in a power system.
7. What is sequence network?
8. Write the symmetrical components of a three phase system?
9. Define critical clearing angle.
10. Write swing equation.

PART B — (5 × 16 = 80 marks)11. (a) (i) With the help of single line diagram, explain the basic components
of a power system. (8)
(ii) Write detailed notes about the per-phase model of a three phase
transformer. (8)
(b) Draw the impedance diagram for the electric power system shown in
figure 11 (b) showing all impedance in per unit on a 100-MVA base.
Choose 20-kV as the voltage base for generator. The three-phase power
and line-line ratings are given below. (16)
G1 : 90 MVA 20 kV X = 9%
T1 : 80 MVA 20/200 kV X = 16%
T2 : 80 MVA 200/20kV X = 20%
G2 : 90 MVA 18 kV X = 9%
Line : 200 kV X = 120 
Load : 200 kV, S = 48 MW + j64Mvar
Fig. 11. (b)
12. (a) With neat flow chart explain the computational procedure for load flow
solution using fast decoupled method when the system contains all types
of buses. (16)
(b) Explain the step by step computational procedure for the Gauss-Seidel
method of load flow studies. (16)
13. (a) Explain symmetrical fault analysis using Z-bus matrix with neat flow
chart. (16)
(b) A 11 kV, 100 MVA alternator having a sub-transient reactance of 0.25 pu
is supplying a 50 MVA motor having a sub-transient reactance of 0.2 pu
through a transmission line. The line reactance is 0.05 pu on a base of
100 MVA. The motor is drawing 40 MW at 0.8 p.f. leading with a
terminal voltage of 10.95 kV when a 3-phase fault occurs at the generator
terminals. Calculate the total current in generator and motor under fault
conditions. (16)
14. (a) What are the assumptions to be made in short circuit studies? Deduce
and thaw the sequence network for a line to line fault at the terminals of
an unloaded generator. (16)
(b) Two 11 kV, 20 MVA, three phase, star connected generators operate in
parallel as shown in Figure 14. (b) ; the positive, negative and zero
sequence reactance’s of each being, respectively, j0.l8, j0.15, j0.10 pu. The
star point of one of the generators is isolated and that of the other is
earthed through a 2.0 ohms resistor. A single line to ground fault occurs
at the terminals of one of the generators.
(i) the fault current,
(ii) current in grounding resistor, and
(iii) the voltage across grounding resistor. (16)
Fig. 14. (b)
15. (a) Describe the Runge-Kutta method of solution of swing equation for
multi-machine systems. (16)
(b) Derive an expression for the critical clearing angle and clearing time. (16)

Power Systems 2 Important Questions For External Exams

Power Systems 2 Important Questions For External Exams

Model Question I
Model Question Paper-I

Part A

1. Name the three parts of a distribution system. 
2. What are the different types of bus bar arrangements? 
3. Name the three types of electric drives. 
4. Draw the torque load characteristic of a DC series motor. 
5. Name the various traction system. 
6. Define average speed and schedule speed. 
7. What is meant by transition in series – parallel connections? 
8. Define the following terms and state their units 
i)Luminous flux ii)Luminous intensity. 
9. Mention any three applications of Dielectric heating. 
10. List the types of electric welding. 

Part B

11. Classify the substations on the basis of service and design. 
12. Compare group drive and individual drive. 
13. Name the various system of track electrification. 
14. State the two laws of illumination. 
15. Compare are welding and resistance welding.(Only five points) 

Part C

16. (a) Compare the cost of conductor in AC 3 phase 3 wire to DC 2 wire on general assumption. 
(b) Draw a simple line diagram layout of a typical 11kv/400v substation with all details. 

17. (a) Explain the various factors governing the selection of motors for a particular drive. 
(b) Explain how plugging is applied to DC shunt motor, DC series motor and induction motors. 

18. (a) A train runs with an average speed of 40kmph. Distance between stations is 2km. Values of acceleration and retandation are 1.5kmphps and 2.5kmphps respectively.Find the maximum speed of train assuming trapezoidal speed – time curve. 
(b) Write short notes on (i)Bow collector (ii)Pantograph. 

19. (a) Explain the shunt transition method in steps with a neat diagram. 
(b) Explain with neat sketch the construction and working of a Sodium Vapour Lamp. 

20. (a) Explain the principle of operation of eddy current heating with the help of neat sketch and state its applications. 
(b) With a neat sketch and explain laser beam welding. Give its applications

Model Question Paper-II

Part A

1. Name the distribution system based on construction. 
2. Name any three types of substations based on service requirement. 
3. What are the disadvantages of individual drive? 
4. Mention the types of motor used for (i)Belt conveyor (ii)Crane and (iii)Centrifugal pump. 
5. Mention any two system of Railway Electrification. 
6. Define tractive effort of a motor. 
7. Name the three types of breaking. 
8. What is an Indirect lighting? 
9. What are the commonly used heating element materials? 
10. What are the uses of Ajax Wyatt core type induction furnace in industries?

Part B

11. Explain Ring main system of distribution. 
12. Mention any five merits in using electric breaking 
13. Briefly explain about single phase low frequency system. 
14. What is stroboscopic effect on Fluorescent Lamp and how it can be minimized? 
15. What are the requirements of heating element material?

Part C

16. (a) A single phase AC distributor AB 200m long is fed from end ‘A’ and is loaded as under 
(i)100A at 0.707p.f lagging 100m from point A 
(ii)200A at 0.8p.f lagging 200m from point A 
The total resistance and reactance of the distributor is 0.2ohm and 0.1ohm per kilometer. Find the total voltage drop in distributor.
(b) Name and explain the important equipments used in substation. 
17. (a) Explain how dynamic breaking is applied to (i)DC shunt motor and 
(ii)Induction motor with suitable circuit diagrams. 
(b) Choose with reasons the suitable electric motor for (i)Cement mill (ii)Textile mill and (iii)Punching machines. 

18. (a) Explain the working of a single phase 25kv composite system and state the advantages over DC systems. 
(b) Describe the suitability of a DC series motor for traction duty.

19. (a) Explain the series parallel control of speed of traction motor with circuit diagram. 
(b) A lamp having a uniform luminous intensity of 250CP suspended 6m above street level. What will be the illumination on the ground i) vertically below the lamp ii) 6m away from it. 
20. (a) Explain with a neat sketch the construction and working of an indirect core less induction furnace. 
(b) Explain the working of a high frequency dielectric heating. What are its merits and applications?

Sunday, 3 May 2015

EC2253 Electromagnetic Fields Most Important Questions – 2014 Edition

EC2253 Electromagnetic Fields Most Important Questions – 2014 Edition


1. State gauss law for the electric and magnetic fields. Derive its integral and differential forms. Make at least two conclusions

2. A positive charge Qv c/m3 occupies the volume of a sphere. At a point in the interior at a distance of r from the centre, a small probe of charge of +q is inserted. What is the force acting on the probe charge?

3. State ampere’s force law. How it is different from coulombs law?

4. Explain the tracing of a charged particle motion in x-y plane, in the region of crossed electric field B=B0 az.Assume that the charge q having mass m start at t=0 at that point with initial velocity v= vx ax + vyoay.What is the result for B0 = 0?

5. Prove that divergence of a curl of avector is zero,using stokes theorem

6. A magnetic field H= 3 cosx ax+z cosx ay,A/m for z0

= 0 for z<0

is applied to a perfectly conducting surface in xy plane. Find the current density on the conductor surface

7. Let A=5 ax and B= 4 ax+ By. Find by such that, angle between A and B is 45. If B also has a term Bz az, what relationship must exist between by By and Bz

8. A uniform line charge =25 nc/m lies on the line, x=-3m and y=4m, in free space. Find the electric field intensity at a point(2,3,15)m

9. Two small identical conducting sphere have charges of 2nc and -1nc respectively. When they are separated by 4cm apart, find the magnitude of the force between them. If they are brought into contacts and then again separated by 4cm, find the force between them

10. Obtain the expressions for D and E using gauss’s law


1. Derive the expression for coefficient of coupling in terms of mutual and self inductances

2. An iron ring with a cross sectioned of 3 cm2 and a mean circumference of 15 cm is wound with 250 turns wire carrying a current of 0.3A. The relative permeability of the ring is 1500. Calculate the flux established in the ring

3. Obtain the expressions for D and E using Gauss’s law

4. Write short notes on faradays laws of electromagnetic induction

5. Derive the electrostatic boundary conditions at the interface of two dielectric media. If one of the medium is conductor, discuss the field pattern

6. Discuss electric field in free space, dielectric and in conductors

7. Derive the expression for curl H=J

8. Explain the concepts of scalar magnetic potential and vector magnetic potential


1. Using the concept of magnetic vector potential, derive Biot Savart’s law and amperes law

2. Find the magnetic flux density at the centre of a square of sides equal to 5 cm and carrying 10A of current

3. List the properties of dielectric materials

4. Derive the expression for coefficient of coupling in terms of mutual and self inductances

5. Derive the expression for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with two dielectric media

6. Derive an expression for inductance of a solenoid with N turns and l meter length carrying a current of I amperes

7. Explain in detail the principle of operation of a motor

8. Derive H due to a circular current loop and extend the same to compute H due to a long solenoid?

9. Derive the boundary relation at the boundary between a conductor and dielectric


1. Derive general field relations for time varying electric and magnetic fields using Maxwell’s equation

2. On the basis of the analysis of the transmission line compare circuit theory and field theory

3. With necessary explanation, derive the Maxwell’s equation in differential and integral forms

4. What do you mean by displacement current? Write down the expression for the total current density

5. Derive the expression for total power flow in coaxial cable

6. Derive Maxwell’s equations derived from amperes law in integral and point forms

7. Explain briefly about the motional emf and derive an expression for it

8. Discuss the pointing sector and pointing theorem

9. Define faradays laws. What are the different ways of emf generation? Explain with governing equation and suitable example for each


1. Derive wave equations in phasor form and also derive for

2. Explain about the propagation of EM waves in good conductor

3. Derive the transmission and reflection coefficients for the electromagnetic waves. Discuss the above for an open line and a short circuited line

4. Derive the electromagnetic wave equations

5. State pointing vector and establish its usage in EM wave analysis

6. Discuss the wave motion in good conductors

7. Explain the reflection of plane waves by a perfect dielectric

8. Derive the expression for input impedance and standing wave ratio of transmission lines

9. Define Brewster angle and derive its expression

10. Derive the relationship between electric and magnetic fields



1) What is the concept of Management, Explain its Nature, Scope and
importance to the organisation 
2) What is Management, Explain the functions of Management
3) Explain the Principles of Management or describe the 14 principles of 
Management as outlined by Henry Fayol
4) Explain the evolution of Management
1) Explain the principles of a sound organisation 
2) What is an organisation, Explain its levels and types
3) What do you mean by Departmentization, evaluate any three methods of Departmentization
1) What is Plant location, explain factors affecting plant location
2) Define productivity and production, explain how productivity can be enhanced in the Indian industries
3) Explain the concept of SQC, explain how you can construct control charts for the variables
ü Mean charts
ü Range charts
ü P-charts
ü np-charts
ü C-charts
Note: Required Table value for the calculation of Mean and Range problems

1) What is Inventory, explain the methods of pricing while issuing of Materila(FIFO,LIFO,HIFO,Weighted average and Simple average)
2) What is Marketing, Explain the functions of Marketing
3) What is PLC, explain various stages in PLC with diagram
ü FIFO, LIFO, Weighted Avg., and Simple Avg.
ü EOQ, ABC problems
1) What is HRM, Explain the differences between personnel management & industrial relation and HRM
2) Explain the Functions of HR or personnel Manager
3) What is job evaluation, explain its advantages and methods of job evaluation
1) What is Network analysis, explain the difference between PERT and CPM
2) What is Project Management, explain the nature of cost and time in project
Note: Table value is required in PERT problems when estimated time is given

1) What is corporate planning, explain the characteristics of Mission statement
2) Explain the major elements under corporate planning
3) What is environmental scanning, explain the importance of environmental scanning to the organisation
4) What is SWOT analysis, explain the significance of swot analysis
5) How the Mission statement is different from the vision
1) What is J-I-T, Explain the importance of JIT in present scenario(Have to write one case study)
2) Explain how products are developed in TQM environment
3) Explain the importance of Six sigma
4) Explain the importance of supply chain management process
Note: one case study should write the above contemporary management techniques



Faculty: Sanjay Kumar-Associate Professor-VITS

NOTE: The following are only guess questions, students advised to follow complete syllabus apart from these questions for external exam.

  1. Explain the nature & features of Management? 16M

  1. a) Explain the importance of Management? 8M
b) Explain Henri Fayol’s principles of Management? 8M

  1. Explain the principles of Organisation? 16M

  1. a) Explain FW Taylor’s ‘Functional Organisation’ structure with merits & demerits?                                                                                      8M
b) Explain modern trends in Organisational structure designs? 8M

  1. Explain the factors affecting the plant location?  16M

  1. Explain the differences between Job, Batch & Mass Production? 16 M

  1. Define SQC (Statistical Quality Control)? Explain Deming’s contribution to Quality (Hint: Deming’s 14 Points on SQC)?  16 M

  1. Explain the stages in PLC (Product Life Cycle)? 16 M

  1. Explain the/four strategies of Manpower Planning Process (or) Explain Succession, Staff Development, Recruitment & Redundancy Strategies of Manpower Planning Process? 16 M

  1. Explain Training Methods? (Hint: Write about Off Job On job training methods) 16 M

  1. Define Job Evaluation & explain the methods of Job Evaluation? 16 M

  1. Explain the steps involved in performance appraisal (Hint: Diagram must)? 16M

  1. Define PERT, CPM, NORMAL TIME, CRASH TIME, NORMAL COST, CRASH COST, EST, LST, EFT, LST, SLACK, FLOAT? (Hint: Understand the differences & relationships among the above terms) 16M

  1. Define Corporate Mission & Explain the characteristics of Mission Statement? 16 M

  1. Explain the Elements of Corporate Planning Process? 16 M

  1. Explain Environmental Scanning Process? 16 M

Hint for 14, 15, and 16 questions: Diagram must.



Learn the definitions of the following.
  1. MIS- Management Information Systems
  2. MRP- Materials Requirement Planning
  3. JIT- Just in Time
  4. EUC- End User Computing
  5. TQM- Total Quality management
  6. Six Sigma
  7. CMM- Capability Maturity Model
  8. Value Chain Analysis
  9. SCM- Supply Chain Management
  10. ERP- Enterprise Resource Planning
  11. BPO- Business Process Outsourcing
  12. BPR- Business Process Reengineering

Focus more on Six Sigma, TQM, SCM, and ERP in-detail as you may expect a question & they may ask very generic question about any Indian Company practicing these techniques.
(Hint: - Do Goggle to know Indian Companies practicing TQM, Six Sigma, SCM & ERP)

  1. Refer problems on X­ bar, R & C Charts. 16M

  1. Refer Problems on Networking & CPM. 16M

JNTU Management Science Question Paper Apr-May 2008

JNTU Management Science Question Paper Apr-May 2008
(Metallurgy & Material Technology)

Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All Questions carry equal marks

1. What is Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs? Explain. [16]

2. (a) Why does social responsibility become an important facet of management in the present times?

(b) How is it discharged? [8+8]

3. (a) What are the objectives of plant layout?

(b) Explain the factors influencing plant layout. [8+8]

4. (a) What are the costs associated with effective inventory control?

(b) How would you deal with them in modern management? [8+8]

5. What are the key functions of a Human Resource Manager? [16]

6. How does job analysis form the basis for job description and job specifications?

How does it help the personnel manager? [16]

7. How do you translate corporate vision into action? Explain with an example? [16]

8. A manufacturing company is planning to introduce a new product commercially. The list of activities to be carried out with the corresponding duration of time in weeks is listed below. [16]

Activity description duration immediate predecessor

A initial discussions 3 -

B product design 11 A

C market survey 9 A

D market evaluation 2 C

E product costing 5 B

F Sales plan 6 C

G Product pricing 2 D,E

H Prototype construction 11 F,G

I Market information preparation 8 B

J Prototype testing 9 H,I

Draw the network to represent various activities of the project, determine the minimum

duration of the project.

Management Science Important questions

1. Nature & Importance of Management & Henry Fayol’s Principles of Management.
2. Taylors Scientific Theory of Management.
3. Motivational Theories (Maslow’s, Mc.Gregors, Herzberg)
4. Leadership Styles
5. Departmentation & Decentralisation
6. Types of Organisational Structures
7. Name and describe the various tools and techniques used in layout planning.
8. What is plant layout? Explain the advantages of a good layout.
9. What are the objectives of method study & Work Study?
10. What is inventory control? Give a brief classification of inventories.
11. Describe the various types of store registers.
12. Explain Marketing Mix & different Marketing Strategies
13. Different Channels of Distribution
14. Distinguish between strategic and operational planning
15. Expalin SWOT Analysis? Briefly explain the steps in Strategic Planning process
16. Functions of HR Manager.
17. Types of Plans
18. Explain the following terms (a) Economic order quantity and Lead time (b) Safety stock and Re-order point (c) Maximum inventory and Minimum inventory (d) Average inventory and Inventory consumption trend
(e) Just-in-Time (JIT) (f) Balanced Scored Card.

Electromagnetic Theory and Transmission Lines questions and answers

Electromagnetic Theory and Transmission Lines questions and answers


Unit-I: Electrostatics-I

Section-I: Multiple choice questions

1. The divergence theorem [d ]
a) Relates a line integral to a surface integral. 
b) holds for specific vector fields only.
c) Works for open surfaces. d) Relates a surface integral to a volume integral.

2. which one of the following is not Maxwell equation? [ d ]

3. Which of the following is zero? [ c]
a)grad div b)curl grad c)div grad d)curl curl

4. The field intensity due to a point charge Q at a distance, R, is E1. If charge is increased to ‘4Q’ and distance is increased to ‘2R’, the field intensity E2 becomes [a ]
(a) E2 = E1 (b) E2 = 4E1 (c) E2 = 2E1 (d) E2 = E1/2

5. Electrostatic field being conservative doe s not mean [ c ]
(a) Its circulation is identically zero (b) the work done in side a closed path inside the field is zero
(c) The potential difference between any two point s is zero (d) it is the gradient of a scalar potential

6. A charge Q is uniformly distributed in a sphere of radius a1 the charge density, if the same charge Q is made to occupy a sphere of radius a2=a1/4 is [ c ]
(a) 16 times more (b) 4 times more (c) 64 times more (d) 2 times more

Section-II: Fill in the blanks

10. If the electric flux density, D and electric field intensity, E are not in the same direction, the material is called as Anisotropic medium

11. Value of permeability of free space is 4π ×10^-7 H/ m.

12. According to Gauss’s law electrical flux due to any closed surface is equal to the charge enclosed by the surface.

13. Point charges 30 nC , – 20nC and 10 nC are located at (-1,0, 2) , (0,0, 0) and (1,5,-1) respectively. The total flux leaving a cube of side 6m centered at the origin is 10NC..

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Electrical Engineering Important Questions Unit Wise

Important Questions in Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering Important Questions Unit Wise

1. Draw the experimental set up to predetermine the efficiency of the given DC machine and give the necessary relations to find the efficiency of the machine while it is running as a motor as well as a generator. Also list the advantages and disadvantages of the test.
2. Determine the torque developed and the shaft torque of a 220 v. 4-pole series motor with 800 conductors wave connected supplying a load of 8.2kW by taking 45 amps from the mains.The flux per pole is 25 mWb. And its armature circuit resistance is 0.6 ohm

3. Derive the emf equation of the DC generator when the winding is lap and wave connected

4. Derive the torque equation of a DC motor.

5.. Explain and draw the N-T, N-Ia and T-Ia characteristics of a series, shunt and compound motor.


1. Obtain the equivalent circuit of a 200/400 V, 50 Hz, 1f transformer from the following test data.
OC test: 200 V, 0.7 a, 70 W on LV Side, SC Test: 15 V, 10 A, 85 W on .V side.

2. The primary and secondary windings of a 40 KVA, 6600/250V, 1f transformer has resistances of 10 Ω and 0.02Ω respectively. The leakage reactance of the transformer referred to the primary is 35 Ω. Calculate the full – load regulation at upf and 0.8 lagging pf. Neglect the no-load current.
3. Explain the operation of the 1f transformer under load condition with necessary phasor diagram. \
4. Give the classification of transformer based on primary-secondary combination, rating and application.

1. Draw the slip – torque of 3finduction motor and explain the significance of it.
2. Find the % tapping required on an autotransformer required for a squired – cage motor to start the motor to start the motor against 25 % of full – load torque. The short – circuit current on normal voltage is 4 times the full – load current and full – load slip is 3%.
3. Explain the emf injection method of speed control with a neat diagram.
4. Discuss in detail the principle of three phase induction motor, starting from the production of rotating magnetic field.

1. Explain in detail the MMF method of obtaining regulation of an alternator.
2. Write detailed notes on (i) reluctance motor (ii) stepper motor
3. Explain any one type of stepper motor in detail with connection diagram and different operating modes.
4. An alternator has 18 slots / Pole and the first coil lies in slots 1 and 16. Calculate the pitch factor for fundamental and third harmonics.


1. Draw the single line diagram showing the structure of electric power system and explain each component in detail.
2. Describe the types of DC links.
3. Explain various types of cables with neat diagrams.
4. Derive an expression for string efficiency.

Sunday, 15 March 2015



1. Write the causes of harmonics in the voltage and current waves of electrical
2. What are conditions for parallel operation of alternators?
3. List the inherent disadvantages of synchronous motor?
4. When is a synchronous motor said to receive 100% excitation?
5. Under what condition, the slip in an induction motor is
(a) Negative
(b) Greater than one.
6. What are the two fundamental characteristics of a rotating magnetic field?
7. State two advantages of speed control of induction motor by injecting an e.m.f
in the rotor circuit.
8. What is the effect of change in input voltage on starting torque of induction
9. What are the drawbacks of the presence of backward rotating magnetic field in
a single phase induction motor?
10. What are the demerits of repulsion motor?

PART B — (5 × 16 = 80 Marks)

11. (a) (i) Derive the e.m.f. equation of an alternator. Explain pitch factor and
distribution factor. (12)
(ii) A 3 phase, 6 pole, star-connected alternator revolves at 1000 r.p.m.
The stator has 90 slots and 8 conductors per slot. The flux per pole
is 0.05 wb (sinusoidally distributed). Calculate the voltage
generated by the machine if the winding factor is 0.96. (4)
(b) (i) Elaborate the discussion on capability curve with its boundaries of
synchronous machine. (8)
(ii) Discuss the parallel operation of two alternators with identical
speed/load characteristics. (8)
12. (a) (i) Draw the equivalent circuit and phasor diagram of a synchronous
motor. (8)
(ii) Explain the significance of V and inverted V curves. (8)
(b) (i) Discuss the methods of starting and procedure for starting
synchronous motor. (10)
(ii) A 3000 V, 3 phase synchronous motor running at 1500 r.p.m, has its
excitation kept constant corresponding to no-load terminal voltage
of 3000 V. Determine the power input, power factor and torque
developed for all armature current of 250 A if the synchronous
reactance is 5 per phase and armature resistance is neglected. (6)
13. (a) (i) Discuss the different power stages of an induction motor with
losses. (8)
(ii) An 18.65 KW, 4 pole, 50 Hz, 3 phase induction motor has friction
and windage losses of 2.5% of the output. Full load slip is 4%. Find
for full load
(1) rotor copper loss,
(2) rotor input
(3) shaft torque
(4) the gross electromagnetic torque. (8)
(b) (i) Write a brief note on induction generator. (8)
(ii) Write a brief note on double cage rotor induction motors. (8)
14. (a) (i) Explain the speed control of three phase induction motor by pole
changing. (8)
(ii) Explain the rotor rheostat control of 3 phase slip ring induction
motor. (8)
(b) Discuss the various starting methods of squirrel cage induction motors.
15. (a) (i) Explain the operation of a single phase induction motor using
double field revolving theory. (8)
(ii) Explain the operation of shaded pole induction motor with neat
diagram. (8)
(b) (i) Explain the principle and operation of AC series motor. (8)
(ii) Explain the principle and operation of reluctance motor and state
its applications. (8)

Electrical Machines II

EE2302 Electrical Machines II Part B Expected Questions | 
EE 2302 EM -2 Part B (16 Marks) Expected Important Questions for EEE -5th Machines


1. Derive EMF equation of Alternator and derive expression for pitch factor & distribution Factor. (16) -Expected.
2.Explain the voltage regulation of alternator by EMF and MMF method. -expected. (16)
3.(i) Elaborate the discussion on capability curve with its boundaries of

synchronous machine. (8)
(ii) Discuss the parallel operation of two alternators with identical
speed/load characteristics (8)
4. PROBLEMS for EMF or MMF method -Expected *** (8)
5.. What is the effect of armature reaction at different power factors on synchronous machine? (16)
6.. Explain two reaction theory of synchronous machine. How can Xd and Xq be determined? -expected .

Unit -2

1. Explain the working of synchronous motor with different excitations? - expected
2. Explain the significance of V curve and inverted V curve -16 marks -expected
4. (i)describe the construction and principer of synchronous motor(ii)Discuss various methods starting synchronous motor -Expected
5. explain a)hunting b) synchronous condensor

Unit -3

1. Problems expected (8)

2.Explain about (i)Double cage induction motor (ii)Induction generator (10)
3. (i)Derive the torque equation of 3phase induction motor and deduce condition for maximum torque (8)
(ii) Explain Torque – Slip characteristics of 3phase induction motor (8)
4. Draw the equivalent circuit of induction motor and deduce the approximate equivalent circuit
5. Discuss different power stages of 3phase induction motor and derive the relation between P2,Pcu & Pm

Unit -4

1.Explain various methods of speed control from rotor side of an induction motor? (16)
2. Explain various methods of speed control from stator side of an induction motor? (16)

3. explain v/f control - expected
4. describe a)star – delta starter b) Auto transformer starter

******from above study 1st and 2nd questions all methods.*****

Unit -5

1. Explain the Double field revolving theory of operation of single phase induction motor (8)
2. Explain shaded pole induction motor with diagrams (8)
3. (i) Explain the principle and operation of AC series motor. (8)
(ii) Explain the principle and operation of reluctance motor and state
its applications. (8)

Data Communication & Networking

Data Communication & Networking

1.        What is data communication and identify the 5 components of data communication. (6 marks)

2.        What are the three main functions of data link layer? (3 marks)

3.        What is the difference between Simplex, Half Duplex and Full Duplex Transmission? (6 marks)

4.        Define what is Internetworking. (2 marks)

5.        Name two major categories of transmission media. (2 marks)

6.        List 5 various types of network topologies. (5 marks)

7.        Contrast an analog signal with a digital signal. (4 marks)

8.        What are the four types of line encoding which fall under bipolar types? (4 marks)

9.        Define and explain 3 various types of categories of network types. (6 marks)

10.    Difference between packet switching and circuit switching. (6 marks)

11.    List 5 types of protocols. (5 marks)

12.    What is the difference between connection-oriented and connectionless? (5 marks)

13.    What are the 3 types of frames in HDLC and their functions? (6 marks)

14.    What are the 3 types of line encoding? (3 marks)

15.    List down 7 layers in Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model. (7 marks)

Basic Electrical and Electronic Engineering Very Important Questions For External Exams

Basic Electrical and Electronic Engineering Very Important Questions For External Exams

Question Bank
Define electric current
Define electric resistance
Define electric conductance
Define specific resistance
Differentiate electric power and energy
Define electromotive force
State ohms law
State kirchoff’s law
What is an alternating quantity?
Define cycle
Define time period
Define frequency
Define amplitude
Define RMS value
Define average value
Define the expression for form factor and peak factor
Define power factor
What do you understand by balanced system?
What is an indicating instrument?
Write two essential requirements of indicating instruments
List the three different torques employed in the measuring instruments for the satisfactory operation
Write any four methods by which the deflecting torque can be obtained
Mention the two methods of obtaining controlling torque
What is meant by damping torque?
Write any two features of moving coil instrument
Write any two features of moving iron instrument
What is meant by creeping?
Convert (100001110.010)2 to decimal.
Give that (79)10 = (142)b determine the value of b.
Perform the arithmetic operations 35+40 and (-3.5)+(-40) with binary number in signed 2’s complement representation.
Convert (342.45)10 to binary and Octal.
Perform the following arithmetic operation using 1’s complement scheme. (4-8) ,(8-4) ,(-2-3)
Convert the following: (369)10 =( )8 =( )16 =( )2.
How many bits are required to represent the decimal numbers in the ranges from 0 to 999 using straight binary code? Using BCD codes?
Explain how addition and subtraction can be performed with 1’s complement and 2’s complement representations with suitable examples.
State de-Morgan’s Law.
Why NAND gate is called as an universal gates?
Write the dual of AB+ĀC+BC
Realize XOR function using only NAND gates.
How do you implement y=A+B using a 3 input OR gate?
Define distributive law.
What is mean by duality in Boolean Algebra?
Simplify the following function using algebraic method.

a) F=C(B+C)(A+B+C)
Implement AND and OR using NAND and NOR gates.
Give the truth table for JK flip-flop?
Name the problem associated with the asynchronous counter.
What is an universal shift register?
Draw MOD-8 Ripple counter using JK flip-flop and give the timing diagram
Give the excitation table for JK flip-lop.
Draw a MOD-6 counter using feedback counter.
Draw the timing diagram for a 3 stage ring counter.
How do you construct D flip-flop and T Flip-lop using JK flip-flop.
Distinguish between Synchronous and asynchronous counter.
Draw the circuit of serial n and serial out shift register and explain its operation.
Name the two problems that may arise in the ripple counter.
Draw the circuit of up-down counter and explain its working.
What is mean by the term edge triggered?
Describe the operation of BCD counter.
Draw the logic for 4-stage ring counter using JK flip-flo0p?
Define the hold time requirement of a clocked FF?
Show the T flip-flop implementation from S-R flip-flop?
Give the logical expression for sum and carry for a Half adder.
Obtain the expression for SUM and CARRY outputs of a full adder and implement the same.
Draw the block diagram of a communication system and explain its operation.
Explain briefly some of the telecommunication services.
Distinguish between telegraphy and telephony.
What is facsimile? how does it work?
What are the different transmission paths for communication?
What is the difference between analog and digital signals?
What is modulation?
Explain briefly the need for modulation.
What are the types of analog modulation ?
Write down a general expression for AM wave.
Write the expression for modulation index in AM .
Write down the mathematical expression for a FM wave.
What is advantage of a FM over AM?
Compare FM and PM.
State sampling theorem.
Define the following terms:

a) Pulse Width Modulation(PWM)

b) Pulse Amplitude Modulation(PAM)

c) Pulse Time Modulation (PTM)

d) Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)
Compare PAM and PWM.
Describe briefly some digital modulation schemes.
Define and describe pulse – position modulation.
What is pulse width modulation ?What other names does it have?
What is meant by Frequency-Shift Keying?
Differentiate FSK from PSK
What is back emf?
Why a dc series motor cannot be started on no load?
What are the various types of dc motors?
What is the necessity of a starter for a dc motor?
What is torque?
What is speed regulation?
What is called armature torque?
What is called shaft torque?
Draw the characteristics curve of a dc shunt motor?
What is the difference between three point and four point starters?
What is the method available for testing dc series motor?
Name the protective devices used in a 3point starter?
Mention the methods of speed control for a dc motor?
What are the losses that occur in a dc motor?
What are the various types of dc generators?
Draw the internal and external characteristic curves of dc shunt generator?
Draw the internal and external characteristic curves of dc series generator?
Draw the characteristics curves of dc compound generator?
DC series generators are suitable for ?
What is the function of commutator in DC generator?
What is the function of carbon brushes in DC generator?
What is called voltage regulation?
Write short notes on efficiency of a DC motor?
How the voltage builds up in Dc generator?
Why the armature core is made by laminated sheets?
Explain the construction and working principle of D.C. generator with neat diagram. (16)
Explain the different types of D.C. generators. (16)
Draw and explain the characteristics of different types of d.c.generators. (16)

a). Derive the emf equation of D.C. Generator. (8)
Sketch and explain the speed-current, speed-torque and torque-current characteristics of a shunt motor, series motor and compound motor. (16)
Draw the characteristic curves of D.C. shunt, series and compound motors. Use these curves to explain the applications for which these motors are used. (16)
a) List all the important parts of a D.C. Motor and explain the importance of each..a)Calculate the emf generated by 4 pole wave wound generator having 65 slots with 12 conductors per slot when driven at 1200 rpm. The flux per pole is 0.02 wb. (8)
A 4 pole lap wound dc shunt generator has a useful flux per pole of 0.07wb. The armature winding consists of 220 turns, each of 0.004 ohm resistance. Calculate the terminal voltage when running at 900 rpm if the armature current is 50A. (16)
Explain the principle of working a 1f transformer?
Discuss the difference between core type and shell type construction?
What is KVA rating of a transformer?
Draw the no load phasor diagram of a transformer?
Draw the phasor diagram of a transformer under load condition?
Explain voltage regulation?
Derive the emf equation of a transformer?
What is meant transformation ratio?
How the transformers are classified?
Write short notes on autotransformer.
Derive the condition for maximum efficiency?
What are the various losses that must be present in a transformer?
Explain the construction and working principle of single-phase transformer.(16)
Enumerate the various types of transformer. (4)
Derive an expression for the emf of an ideal transformer winding. (6)
Draw and explain the no load phasor diagram for a single-phase transformer. (6)
What is KVA rating of a transformer? (8)
Explain various features of an ideal transformer. (8)
b)The no load current of a transformer is 10A at a power factor of 0.25 lagging, when connected to 400v,50Hz supply, calculate(i)magnetizing component of no load current(ii) iron loss and(iii) maximum value of the flux in the core. Assume primary winding turns as 500. (8)
What is the frequency of induced emf of an induction motor?
Why squirrel cage induction motors are common in the domestic pump sets?
Distinguish between squirrel cage & slip ring induction motor?
What are the applications of induction motors?
Name the speed control methods of a 3 induction motors?
Define a slip of an induction motor?
What is called synchronous speed?
Define electron volt?
State the relationship between electric field intensity, and potential?
An electron beam from rest is accelerated by a potential of 200V. Find the final velocity of the electron?
List out the common diode applications?
Define zener breakdown?
Differentiate photodiode and light emitting diode.
Explain the forward and reverse bias operation and VI characteristics of a PN Junction diode. (16)
a)Derive the diode current equation? . (8)
b)Discuss the current components of PN junction diode? (8)
a)Explain any two applications of diode with neat diagram . (8)
Define pinch - off voltage?
Derive the relation between pinch - off voltage & drain current?
What is a MOSFET?
What is a MESFET?
Explain the operation of PNP & NPN transistor? (12)
b). What is transistor? State its types
Compare CE – CB – CC Configuration? (8)
a). Explain the input & output characteristics of CE configuration of a transistor?
State FET& its types? (4)
a)Explain the input & output Characteristic of CB configuration of a transistor?
Explain the construction & characteristics of JFET
What is a rectifier?
Explain the operation & characteristics of TRIAC?
Explain the operation & characteristics of UJT?