Sunday, 27 April 2014


IC Applications

1. (a) Derive closed loop voltage gain, input resistance, output resistance and band-
width for inverting amplifier with feedback arrangement. [10+6]

(b) Explain any one of the frequency compensation technique in connection with

2. (a) Explain how Op-amp used as a integrator and differentiator.

(b) With the help of a neat circuit diagram, explain the operation of instrumen-
tation amplifier of obtain the expression for its o/p voltage VO. [8+8]

3. (a) Define a Notch filter. Give its application.

(b) Determine the order of the Butterworth low-pass filter so that at ? = 1.5?3dB,
the magnitude response is down by at least 30 dB.

(c) Design a notch filter for fo =8 kHz and quality factor Q=10. Choose C=500pf
and assume necessary data. [5+6+5]

4. (a) Describe the operation of an analog phase detector.

(b) Analyze the behavior of an analog phase detector through necessary circuit
diagram, waveforms, mathematical expressions and characteristic curves.[8+8]

5. (a) Sketch and explain the transfer characteristic of a DAC with necessary equa-

(b) LSB of a 9-bit DAC is represented by 19.6 m Volts. If an input of 9 zero bits
is represented by 0 volts.
i. Find the output of the DAC for an input, 10110 1101 and 01101 1011.
ii. What is the Full scale Reading (FSR) of this DAC? [8+8]

6. (a) Draw the schematic circuits of CMOS NAND and CMOS NOR gates and
explain their functions with the help of Truth-Table.

(b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of CMOS over TTL gate?

(c) Which is the fastest saturated logic gate? and Why? [8+4+4]

7. (a) Write short notes on n- Bit parallel adder.

(b) Design a driver circuit for LCD display. [8+8]

8. (a) Explain with an example why asynchronous inputs are required in flip flops.

(b) Explain the operation of edge triggered T flip- flop. [8+8]

set 2

1. (a) What is cross over distortions and how it is eliminated in differential amplifier?

(b) Explain different methods of external frequency compensation in an Op-amp.

(c) Design an amplifier with a gain of +5 using one Op-amp ( make necessary
assumptions). [4+6+6]

2. (a) What is a clipper? With circuit diagram, explain the operation of positive
and negative clippers.

(b) Describe the principle of operation of a precision half wave rectifier with wave
forms. [10+6]

3. (a) Derive the expression for frequency of oscillation of a RC phase shift oscillator
and explain the operation of the circuit.

(b) Design a second order low pass filter at a high cut off frequency of 1 KHz.
Derive the transfer function of the above filter. [8+8]

4. (a) Draw and explain the functional diagram of a 555 Timer.

(b) Explain the function of ‘reset’ pin. [14+2]

5. (a) Sketch and explain the transfer characteristic of a DAC with necessary equa-

(b) LSB of a 9-bit DAC is represented by 19.6 m Volts. If an input of 9 zero bits
is represented by 0 volts.
i. Find the output of the DAC for an input, 10110 1101 and 01101 1011.
ii. What is the Full scale Reading (FSR) of this DAC? [8+8]

6. List out advantages, disadvantages & applications of MOS logic. [16]

7. (a) Design 1:8 Demultiplexer using two 1:4 Demultiplexer?

(b) Realize the following expression using 74×151 ICs and 74×139 IC [8+8]

8. (a) Distinguish between Combinational circuits and sequential circuits.

(b) Write short notes on Clocked SR flip flop. [8+8]


1. (a) List out the ideal characteristics of an Op-amp.

(b) With neat block diagram explain the function of various building blocks of an

(c) Draw the equivalent circuit of an Op-amp. [3+10+3]

2. (a) Explain the operation of Zero crossing detector.

(b) Briefly mention the disadvantages of using Zero crossing detector and how it
is overcome in Schmitt Trigger?

(c) Draw a circuit using Op-amp which can work as adder (inverted and non-
inverted) and explain how it works. [4+4+8]

3. (a) Design a II order Butterworth Low-pass filter for a cut off frequency of 1KHz
and for a given normalized polynomial of S2+1.414S+1. Assume necessary

(b) In the above circuit given (figure 3(b)ii) if the integrator components are
R1=120 K and C1 = 0.01µF,R3= 6.8 K R2= 1.2K, determine
i. Peak-to-peak triangular output amplitude.
ii. The frequency of triangular wave. [8+8]
Figure 3(b)ii

4. (a) Design a 555 Astable multivibrator to operate at 10 KHz with 40% duty cycle.

(b) Explain in which the 555 timer can be used as Astable multivibrator. [8+8]

5. (a) Draw the block diagram for a 2-bit parallel-comparator A/D converter and
explain the operation of the system.

(b) Draw a schematic diagram of a ladder network D/A converter. Explain the
operation of the converter. [8+8]

6. (a) Explain the operation of open drain output of CMOS?

(b) Explain the behavioral difference between simple transistor logic inverter and
Schottky logic inverter? [8+8]

7. (a) What is multiplexer? Draw the logic diagram of 4 to 1 line multiplexer?
(b) Design half adder using NAND gates only? [8+8]

8. (a) Explain with the help of neat diagram the simple structure of MOS ROM.
(b) Design MOD 5 synchronous counter. [8+8]

SET    4

1. (a) Give the pin diagram of IC741 and give its specifications.

(b) Discuss the differences between the differential amplifiers used in the first two
stages of Op-amp. [8+8]

2. (a) Explain the operation of Zero crossing detector.

(b) Briefly mention the disadvantages of using Zero crossing detector and how it
is overcome in Schmitt Trigger?

(c) Draw a circuit using Op-amp which can work as adder (inverted and non-
inverted) and explain how it works. [4+4+8]

3. (a) The cutoff frequency of a certain first order low pass filter is 2 KHz. Convert
this low pass filter to have a cutoff frequency of 3 KHz by using the frequency
scaling technique.

(b) How do we get a Notch filter from a band pass filter.

(c) What are the advantages of active filters over passive filters. [8+4+4]

4. (a) Give the block diagram of PLL and explain about each block in detail.

(b) Define the following terms with reference to PLL.
i. Lock range.
ii. Capture range.
iii. Pull-in-time. [10+6]

5. (a) Draw and compare the conversion times for tracking and successive approxi-
mation ADC devices.

(b) A dual slope ADC uses a 12bit counter and a 8 MHz clock rate. The max
input voltage is +10V. The maximum integrator o/p voltage should be -8V,
when the counter has cycled through 2n counts. The capacitor used in the
integrator is 0.1µF. Find the value of the resistor of the integrator. [8+8]

6. (a) Explain the following terms with reference to TTL gate?
i. Logic levels.
ii. DC Noise margin.
iii. Low-state unit load.
iv. High-state fan out.

(b) List out TTL families and compare them with reference to propagation delay,
power consumption, speed-power product and low level input current? [8+8]

7. (a) Design the combinational circuit for common cathode 7 segment display/driver?

(b) Write short notes on gray code to Binary converter. [8+8]

8. (a) Write a note on applications, advantages and disadvantages of SRAM.

(b) Design MOD 6 synchronous counter. [8+8]


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